SGI CRM is designed for specific needs of small and mid-sized businesses. The software is created after thorough understanding of their unique ecosystem. Our goal is to solve actual business problems and empower businesses to take improved decisions. Delivering extraordinary experiences to our customers remain at the core of our every activity.

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Amazingly Affordable

We know that you have tight budget to accommodate various business needs and hence SGI CRM comes with coolest pricing models. If you want to test our software, we welcome you to try it for free

Easily Customizable

The software provides a huge scope of customization for all types of industry users. You can easily change every module’s interface as per your needs. Moreover primary features like setting reminders, creating
and assigning tasks and making special remarks are tightly integrated across every module of the software


Cloud Hosting

The software is hosted on Amazon secure cloud. Your data is completely protected and accessible everywhere at any point of time. Our scalable solution provides you enough storage space at the moment you start of and offer additional space when you increase you user base.

Automated Processes

Automation is the key to succeed in ever-changing business environment. Our goal is to reduce your costs and time involved and increase your processes efficiencies. Every module like marketing, sales, accounting or support, is well integrated in the system allowing our users to automate everything.

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Security Measures

As per defined roles, you can allow data access to your employees. E.g. executives and trainees can only view the information while managers can add/edit/delete as per the requirement. This security measure ensures that your customer, vendor, and all other parties’ data is protected.

Deliver Value to Users

SGI CRM offers amazing benefits to users working at various levels in the organization. The top management has a 360-degree view of the system which helps take improved decisions, while senior level management and executives benefit from detailed reports, automated workflow system and task management features.

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Integrated Analytics

Analyse your current state of business, set accurate and well-defined business goals, make forecast based on sorted data using our integrated reports for every module. Either you are setting up your new
marketing campaigns or planning to analyse your sales, purchase and cash flow cycles, these custom reports help you take better decisions.

Mobile CRM App

SGI CRM Mobile view is specifically built for field sales force to help them perform various activities in real time. The mobile view is tightly integrated with SGI CRM web platform which lets user access and modify all important CRM data with ease. Starting from capturing suspect details to converting into leads and nurturing as customer, the mobile view offers every useful feature


Our Core Values


Innovation drives us. We always try to incorporatefreshness in our every approach.


Our passion is to simplify people’s lives by providing insanely simple and useful solutions.


We are committed towards product improvements and delivering unwavering support.


Our motivated team is always eager to take-up new challenges and deliver breakthrough results.

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Satisfaction with SGI CRM

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